Variety description
- Maturity
- medium maturity (295-315 days)
- Early development
- moderate
- Plant high
- 115-140 sm
Yielding and quality
- Potential yielding, t/ha
- 5,3
- 1000k weight, g
- 4,9-5,8 g
- Oil content
- 47,8-48,7
- Glucosinolate content
- 0,75-0,80
Agronomical recommendation
- Density before harvesting, thous. plants/ha
- 550-650
- Between row, sm
- 15
- Depth of sowing, sm
- 2-4
- Medium-maturity OO type variety with high productivity and oil level
- Resistant to late harvesting and cracking of streams
- High resistance to diseases, especially fomosis, sclerotiniosis and verticillosis
- Moderate development in spring, good regeneration after a drop in temperature
Variety description
- Maturity
- medium maturity (295-315 days)
- Early development
- moderate
- Plant high
- 115-140 sm
Yielding and quality- Potential yielding, t/ha
- 5,3
- 1000k weight, g
- 4,9-5,8 g
- Oil content
- 47,8-48,7
- Glucosinolate content
- 0,75-0,80
Agronomical recommendation- Density before harvesting, thous. plants/ha
- 550-650
- Between row, sm
- 15
- Depth of sowing, sm
- 2-4
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